World Sight Day, 13th October 2016
Throughout October we will be collecting extra donations and spectacles for recycling to support World Sight Day. We would be grateful for your donation of any old spectacles that you no longer require and please do spread the word amongst your friends.
National Eye Health Week
Sight After Sixty It is recommended that the over 60s should have their eyes checked annually.
National Eye Health Week
Don’t be blind to the risks of smoking. The relationship between smoking and sight loss is as strong as the link between smoking and lung cancer.
National Eye Health Week
Are You Screen Smart Each of us spends an average of 2740 hours (or 3 and a half months) every year staring at a screen! Being Screen Smart you can help minimise your risk of suffering visual distress and keep your eyes feeling fresh and bright.
National Eye Health Week
A Feast For Your Eyes Good nutrition is vital for healthy eyes, so collect your eye health food recipe book now from the practice.
National Eye Health Week
This week is National Eye Health Week 2016 – Your Vision Matters.