Eye Examinations

Our routine examinations utilise modern, high quality optometric equipment to give us a clear and thorough assessment of your eye health.

Appointment Frequency

The NHS subsidises eye examinations to all UK residents in Scotland. The NHS restricts the intervals between routine examinations to the following:

12 months for Patients:

  • under 16 years
  • aged over 60 years.

24 months for Patients:

  • aged between 16 and 60 years
  • diagnosed with diabetes & glaucoma
  • and not in the above criteria.

Occasionally new symptoms appear or vision may change before these intervals. Your optometrist may also wish to see you in between your routine appointments. These supplementary examinations will also be subsidised by the NHS if eligible.

Some consultations are not funded by the NHS and these have additional fees.


The Eye Examination Consultation

Our routine examinations utilise modern, high quality optometric equipment to give us a clear and thorough assessment of your eye health. The consultation will last around 45 minutes and will include a vision and spectacle correction assessment, and a thorough examination of the eye health using our state-of-the-art equipment. We have the latest technology, including Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) available in the practice which we recommend all patients to consider, though it is not obligatory.  It aids the detection of many eye diseases, for example macular degeneration and glaucoma, These examinations are not yet subsidised by the NHS so there is an additional fee which we feel is well worth it! (Please read more about OCT in our technology section.) We will also discuss with you at your appointment other recommended examinations relevant to your situation.

An established link already exists between the Optometrist and the Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion ensuring that secondary and emergency care referrals can be expedited. Private referrals, when requested, may also be made to Nuffield Edinburgh (formerly The Edinburgh Clinic) and Spire Shawfair Park Clinic and Vision Scotland.