There are a wide range of frames and styles to choose from.
The practice has a wide range of frames for selection for babies, children, teenagers and ladies and gentlemen. We stock a variety of sizes and colours to suit various tastes. We carefully select from a range of independent suppliers to offer patients choice from budget to designer frames. There is also a selection of frames for those with NHS voucher entitlement.
For children we also carry designer models tailor-made for younger faces. Samples of a variety of specialist frames for babies and toddlers are also available which can then be ordered to individual specifications.
We are also able to source and order specialist sports spectacles, swimming goggles and work safety spectacles to individual requirements.
Various optical accessories are available including lens cleaner, cases, MGDRx EyeBags, drops, solutions and magnifiers amongst others.
Spectacle Care
Seeing the world through dirty lenses defeats the object of wearing glasses to improve your vision, therefore it is important that you clean them regularly, ideally once a day.
GLASKLAR is a unique, refillable bottle of lens cleaner. It is specifically designed to keep lenses clean and prevent them from misting up. Simply purchase your first bottle and for the lifespan of your spectacles you can come in to the practice for a free refill. When you come in we can also check your frame, inspect the lenses and tighten any loose screws to maintain optimal visual performance.
Wash the lenses carefully in warm water and dry with a clean microfibre cloth. Spray GLASKLAR on both sides of the lenses and use a microfibre cloth to remove any smudges and smears.
Spectacle Adjustment & Repair
Please contact the practice if you ever wish your frame to be adjusted.
We know that accidents happen and occasionally your spectacles may break or be accidentally damaged. Even if you feel they are irreparable, bring your frames in and we can assess the damage. If they can be repaired; we may be able to do this within the practice or send them to a specialist.
Spectacle Recycling
We are happy to accept all old pairs of spectacles that you no longer require, and arrange for these to be recycled.